


气候变化, 季节性的波动, and other factors can have an effect on living and working environments, 包括高温的增加. According to 2023 Energy Information Administration data from Climate Central, residential buildings will see a projected 71% increase in cooling demand by 2050, with commercial building demand increasing by 30% over the same period. 加热, 通风, and air conditioning (暖通空调) systems will likely continue to become more necessary going forward.

Ensuring there are trained technicians who can install and maintain cooling and other air-controlling systems will be key to keeping indoor spaces comfortable and safe. Individuals who are interested in launching a career in the 暖通空调 field should understand the 暖通空调 technician job description, 执行此角色所需的技能, 我是如何 技工培训计划 能帮助你做好职业准备吗.


暖通空调 is a collection of systems that help circulate air and control temperatures in both commercial and residential buildings. 它也可以包括制冷. These systems are installed, maintained, and repaired by 暖通空调 technicians. 维护包括清除风管中的污垢和灰尘, which can clog airflow; changing out filters; and testing systems to ensure they function properly under different settings, 如冷却在最大值.

暖通空调 technicians can work as company employees or independently with clients. 暖通空调 technicians can also be called 暖通空调 mechanics and 暖通空调 installers.  They can create contracts to regularly perform inspections and maintenance, 必要时对系统进行升级. Part of the 暖通空调 technician role is ensuring 暖通空调 equipment and systems comply with regulatory standards.


As 暖通空调 and refrigeration systems are used in a variety of buildings for different purposes, 技术人员经常出差,这是他们工作的一部分. 对于暖通空调技术人员来说,安全至关重要, 因为他们的工作环境可能包括湿滑的屋顶, 黑暗的爬行空间, 以及户外环境中遇到恶劣天气或极端温度的情况. 

在某些情况下, 拥有多个设施的公司, or owners of large building spaces such as factories and office complexes, 可否聘请暖通空调技术员在公司内部工作. This can provide the technician with an office space to conduct administrative aspects of the job. 

Some examples of locations in which 暖通空调 technicians may work include:

  • 工厂
  • 零售商店
  • 办公大楼
  • 学校
  • 医院
  • 住宅及公寓


大多数雇主都会寻找 应聘暖通空调技术员 who have completed a postsecondary education, typically from a training program or trade school. These programs offer fundamental training in 暖通空调 and refrigeration systems, 教授学生如何进行诊断测试和维护. These programs can also give students the opportunity to prepare for problems they may experience in the field with hands-on training, 帮助他们预测问题并提高效率.

除了接受教育之外, some employers or states may require licensing to practice as an 暖通空调 tech. 确保符合国家规定, 暖通空调 techs should research state requirements before beginning a job search. Those who work with refrigeration units will need to gain the Section 608 Technician Certification, which covers three types of refrigeration systems and is offered by the U.S. 环境保护署(EPA).

Key skills that 暖通空调 technicians should develop to maximize job success include the following.

1. 机械知识

A key part of the 暖通空调 technician job description involves installing and maintaining 暖通空调 and refrigeration systems, which requires extensive mechanical knowledge of the technologies that run these systems. 有些系统可能使用数字和模拟控制的组合, with various locations using different interfaces for the same type of system depending on its age, 大小, 或价格. 暖通空调技术人员必须知道如何编程每种类型的接口. 

2. 客户服务

暖通空调技术人员经常与他们的客户互动, both to explain how to use 暖通空调 systems and to best understand clients’ needs. 与客户接触有助于确保客户满意度, which is key for continuing the relationship if the client needs ongoing repairs or maintenance. It could also potentially lead to new clients through word-of-mouth referrals.

3. 注重细节

暖通空调技术人员必须保持设备使用记录, 工作时间, 完成的工作. Employers may use this information to verify payments and track when equipment needs replacement or restocking.


暖通空调技术人员的就业前景是积极的. 美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects positions for 暖通空调 mechanics and installers will grow by 6% between 2022 and 2032, 快于美国经济3%的平均增长率.S. 整个就业市场. 

The BLS bases this projection on the continued construction of commercial and residential buildings in need of climate control. With the increased importance put on energy efficiency and emission control, 暖通空调 techs may also see increased job growth as older systems are replaced or repaired to meet new standards.


By building skills and knowledge to help meet the demands of the 暖通空调 technician job description, you can begin a career that is in demand and helps keep people safe and comfortable. 

When seeking out a foundational education, consider the benefits of the Fortis 技工培训计划,包括 暖通空调文凭课程. 该计划的重点是暖通空调系统的基础知识, 提供实践培训, 并且可以在54周内完成.



U.S. 环境保护局第608节技术员证书
TechTarget, “What is 暖通空调 (加热, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)?”
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 加热, Air Conditioning, and 制冷 Mechanics and Installers
U.S. 美国能源信息署,《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》